Canadian Professional
Management Services

How to Become a Better Manager of People Online

Where do you learn the right skills and how do you put them into practice? Typically, organizations do themselves harm by poor promotion decisions. Albeit with good intentions, we promote individuals based on strong technical skills but fail to consider the more important attribute - their ability to manage people. However, it is common knowledge that as you climb the corporate ladder, the role becomes less technical in nature and more managerial. This explains why good employees become poor supervisors!

A skilled manager of people drives expectations to achieve organizational goals. They are able to maintain positive organizational culture and increase morale, while motivating their team towards greater goals. Do you currently have the right skills and knowledge to achieve all of this?

Whether you have been recently promoted or have managed for a number of years, there is always room for improvement. Retooling is constantly required if you want to continue to succeed and to advance in your career. This is even more imperative when you are in a position of responsibility and authority. Some say “bad bosses aren’t good for your health.” Wouldn’t you agree? But how many of us have vowed that we would never be like that, but find ourselves struggling and making poor decisions?

With this program you will learn PRACTICAL TOOLS, TECHNIQUES AND CONCEPTS that will help you to become a better manager of people. You will learn how to motivate your team, set expectations, make the tough decisions and build a positive team culture. Your employees rely on your leadership skills, your organization expects you to achieve, and your career depends on your ability to manage...and now you can depend on us to show you the way!

Learning Objectives

  • Building a managerial tool box
  • Understanding and applying motivational theory
  • Developing a decision making model
  • Dealing with poor performance
  • Coaching employees for success
  • Handling common management dilemmas
  • Using progressive discipline when all else fails

Program Content

Critical Decision Making Skills & Delegation
  • Using decision making models – knowing who, when and what to delegate
  • Asking the right questions
  • Analysis and piloting – keys to success
  • Managing risk successfully
  • The delegation model
  • Creating critical check-points
  • Learning to let go
Leadership & Managing Your Time
  • Understanding the four quadrants of time
  • Organizational saturation
  • Time blocks and scope statements
  • Developing critical paths
  • Identifying key attributes of an effective leader
  • 3 key components of leadership
  • Avoiding common leadership errors
Building Positive Culture
  • The six pack of culture
  • Understanding how organizational culture develops
  • Avoiding destructive sub-cultures
  • Initiating team traditions
  • Building common norms and mores
  • Guarding your culture – your shield
  • Strategies leaders use to improve culture
Effective Communication Skills
  • What are effective communication strategies
  • The power of role modeling
  • The ‘Art of Persuasion’
  • Short term vs. long term communication strategies
  • How you unknowingly contribute to communication failures
  • Verbal communications – the lost art
  • Fostering two-way communication
Setting Expectations
  • Constructing reasonable expectations
  • Communicating and building consensus
  • Setting the rules and guidelines
  • Building flexibility while attaining accountability
  • Linking individual performance objectives to a greater goal
  • Using the power of a ‘file of accomplishments’
Managing Performance
  • Creating a performance plan and developing ‘buy-in’
  • The primary reasons why employees don’t perform
  • Why managers fail to recognize performance issues
  • Objective and subjective criterion
  • How to develop employees to become peer supporters
  • How to gauge when performance has improved
Coaching & Motivating Your Employees
  • The motivation formula
  • Leading with the early adopters
  • Performance coaching – how it works
  • Understanding the motivation stimuli – intrinsic versus extrinsic stimuli
  • Using coaching sessions to achieve goals
  • Dealing with problematic behaviour and insolence
  • Building a coaching culture
Using the Power of Teambuilding
  • Team formation and culture
  • Setting team goals
  • Personality and its impact on a team
  • How to foster a sense of belonging
  • Utilizing each individual’s strengths to complement the team
  • Building a team’s shared vision
Using Progressive Discipline as a Management Tool
  • Progressive discipline – when all else fails
  • Discipline models
  • How to develop discipline guidelines
  • 3 principles of progressive discipline
  • The ‘dirty dozen’ – 12 key considerations of discipline
  • Mitigating and aggravating principles
Using the Disciplinary Process
  • Consistent treatment does not mean identical treatment
  • How to write effective disciplinary letters
  • Culminating incidents – ‘the straw that breaks the camel's back’
  • What is the standard of proof?
  • Considering fairness and natural justice
  • Timing of discipline
Documentation & Investigations
  • When and what to document
  • Formal versus informal conversations – is there a difference?
  • Understanding how to use warnings to correct behavior
  • How to properly conduct an investigation
  • Confidentiality does not guarantee anonymity
  • The do’s and don’ts of disciplinary meetings
Case Studies
  • Your best employee is cancerous to your culture
  • Motivated employees, but no resources
  • Managing those who were once your peers
  • When your boss is the problem
  • Dealing with poisoned work environments

General Information

Why should you attend?
  • Small interactive hands-on programs
  • Role-playing and simulation of real workplace situations
  • Group activities, open discussions and case studies
  • Experienced program presenters who are leaders in their field
  • Practical content and information that you can use in your everyday work environment
  • You will not be pressured to purchase books or videos as all program materials are provided at no additional cost
  • Program satisfaction guaranteed!
Who Should Attend?
  • Managers and supervisors
  • Human resources and Labour Relations Specialists
  • Directors and Board Members
  • Administrators
  • Members of the Negotiations Team
  • Future Managers, Supervisors and those in leadership positions